hidden europe 59

Preview hidden europe 60

by hidden europe


A look ahead at hidden europe 60 which will be published on 17 March 2020.

If we were more commercially inclined we’d be touting the next issue of hidden europe as our diamond edition. hidden europe 60 will be published on Tuesday 17 March — nicely timed to accompany a glass of St Patrick’s Day Guinness. In that upcoming issue we shall explore the unusual central European craft tradition of resist block printing and indigo dyeing. And it’s been a while since we featured any Scottish islands, so we shall make time and space for the Outer Hebridean islands of North and South Uist.

We have our usual Advent sale on our website which starts on 27 November. A subscription to hidden europe, perhaps accompanied by a selection of back issues, makes a marvellous Christmas present. Place orders by 16 December to ensure pre-Christmas delivery.