hidden europe 6

Preview hidden europe 7

by hidden europe


a glance at hidden europe 7

Throughout 2006, hidden europe will bring readers the regular eclectic mix of travel writing, cultural essays and news from hither and thither across Europe. In our next issue look out for a perspective on Russia's relations with the former Soviet republics with which it shares frontiers. These are the places, the so-called 'near abroad', which were once so close to Russia, but now have acquired a new found foreignness. And we shall visit communities that lie right on Russia's border. How have they fared in the new post-Soviet order? Light relief, too, with a look at what an early travel writer made of Britain. Spain is also on the menu, and much more besides, in hidden europe 7 due out on 3 March 2006.

If an article in this issue has taken your fancy, why not explore what else we have published on the same area or theme with the archive search facility on our website at www. hiddeneurope.co.uk. You will also find online there a complete set of all our e-newsletters. You can also subscribe for free to our e-newsletter; it is an easy way to get a small dose of hidden europe between issues.